Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We are moving to a new and bigger server:)

Looks like we are migrating right now, its 9:46 am PSDT so it will take about four hours or more to complete

 I got an error code when I tried to log into the admin area, so hold off on signing in, thanks :)


  1. Hi Moona, I have been trying to create an account so I don't have trouble when the products go up but the site won't let me. It says page cannot be found or that there is a problem with the security certificate. Just wondering if it's because of all the hub-bub and if I should try tomorrow or is it possible to order without an account? Any help would be great.

  2. Hi:), yesterday the page can not be found because we were migrated to a much larger server, so that problem should be solved now, and the site is best viewed in firefox.
    As far as the security certificate , it has expired, it was registered with the original Tech company that installed the cart and I have been waiting for it to expire so I can get it in my own name now, but with all the hubbub it is delayed.
    So you can over ride the error message by hitting the ok button, I think that is what it says. It is a secure site, I have been assured of that, and I ONLY take paypal payments so not issue with security there either.
    and unfortunately I did request my site be built without needing an account , but the tech said it was not possible with an xcart, so sorry about that.
    I hope that helps , email me if you have further trouble at : moonalisa@moonalisa.com
    ~ Moona

  3. HUGE help! I think I did it, thanks so much Moona!
