Wednesday, August 18, 2010


MoonaLisa™ a supernatural clean Hey:) so sale is tomorrow evening - Wednesday, August 18th- 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight savings time at, so I think that is 9:30 on the east coast right? And if you are an international more then then four hours different then me and you want to order , then let me know and I can see what I do about a "side order" I can...'t take many , but a few.
And remember , this is only a Mabon / tiny Summer re-stock, designed smaller to get them out in time for the Autumnal Equinox Sept. 23, 2010, , this is not the bigger Halloween sale, so if you don't get anything, please don't fret, another chance is coming very, very soon for Fall items. Thanks Guys!!!

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